Captains mode is a turn-based civilisation picker. It can also be used to draft from custom options.
The tournament Admin creates a Preset which can be used to create Drafts. During a Draft, the two captains pick, ban, steal, or snipe civilisations or options in a predefined order as per the rules in the chosen Preset to determine which civilisations will be available to each captain in a match.
For each turn captains have 30 seconds. In case of a timeout, a random civilisation or option is selected for the captain.
Turns have a main action (PICK, BAN, SNIPE) and a few possible modifiers.
A PICK adds a usable civilisation or option for a player.
A BAN marks the civilisation or option as not available for future turns.
A GLOBAL, EXCLUSIVE and NONEXCLUSIVE modifiers have no meaning here.
allows a player to remove a civilisation or option again which the opponent has picked in a previous turn. TheA GLOBAL, EXCLUSIVE and NONEXCLUSIVE modifiers have no meaning here.
allows a player to remove a civilisation or option which the opponent has picked (or stolen!) in a previous turn, and add it to their own picks. TheA PARALLEL modifier means both the players to execute their turns in parallel.
A HIDDEN modifier hides the civilisation or option selected during that turn from the opponent and from spectators until it is revealed by an admin turn (see below).
An AS OPPONENT modifier means that the turn is executed by the player on behalf of their opponent. This is mainly useful to have a player pick civilisations or option for their opponent to use.
Admin turns or
reveals the previous set of actions which were hidden.